Easy and accurate toolset to empower dynamic estimation of Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Improve visibility
Improve value chain collaboration with industry peers and sub-suppliers improve visibility and identify PCF hot spots
Improve supply chain collaboration
Share selected PCF data and improve value chain collaboration to start your journey toward a net-zero value chain
Drive decarbonization by empowering collaboration and dynamic green house gas (GHG) data gathering
Steel and manufacturing organizations lack primary GHG emission data and are challenged in understanding the emission footprint coming from their own supply chain as key means to drive decarbonization.
What if supply chains could be provided tools, built according to established market standards, to calculate and easily share GHG data as means to promoting sustainable business models and product productions.
ChainTraced enables all parties of the supply chain to efficiently manage GHG data, collaborate to share primary data, and establish a more accurate and reliable view of the current footprint as means to driving decarbonization.
An easy, accurate and visual toolset to improve supply chain collaboration, and scalable practices for sharing Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) and primary emission data.
Collect your upstream emissions
Start collaborating with your suppliers and collect upstream emissions and primary data to generate a more accurate picture of what is driving your Product Carbon Footprint (PCF).
Add your core emissions
Combine your upstream emissions with your internal core emissions and generate a scalable and dynamic accounting method for calculating your own PCF.
Communicate PCF to your customers
Empower your customers on their decarbonization journey by providing a more accurate and a dynamic PCF that can be optimized over time and that promotes the whole value chains sustainability efforts.
Getting started
Enabling secure and efficient ways of working with Quality
1. Defining scope and setting targets
We support you in defining scope of PCF to ensure effort is fit for purpose and compliance criteria is met. Prioritizing data collection and defining allocation method for an efficient and effective PCF model.
2. Setting up master data
Import and organize your master data, including products, suppliers, and BOMs, from your ERP system with .csv files. Ensure data accuracy and structure for a seamless PCF process.
3. Estimate emissions
Add core emissions using pre-calculated estimates or templates. Access upstream emissions through primary data from material providers or secondary datasets to ensure accuracy.
4. Start reporting and improving
Generate reports for customers, public audiences, or BI tools in compliant formats. Validate methods and establish routines for ongoing updates and improvements.
ChainTraced featured on the Swedish Climate Startup Map 2023
The Swedish Climate Startup Map is an initiative that aims toshowcase innovative startups developing innovations with the potential to helpaccelerate the green transition. The companies selected and featured on the maprepresents startups and scaleups developing different types of innovations withthe aim to contribute to environmental sustainability, covering a number ofsectors.
The project is led by Chalmers Ventures, DalarnaScience Park, Ignite Sweden, the business incubator LEAD, SISP –Swedish Incubators & Science Parks, and Sting, and co-funded by ERDF – EuropeanRegional Development Fund, Tillväxtverket (Swedish Agency for Economic andRegional Growth), the innovation agency Vinnova, and Swedish Energy Agency.
The screening process behind the Swedish Climate Startup Map has been carefully developed to ensure that all of the companies featured have the potential to help accelerate the green transition.
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ChainTraced AB is a private limited liability company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. ChainTraced's corporate governance follows the Swedish Companies Act, the Company's Articles of Association, and other applicable Swedish and international laws and regulations.